Business creation

association d'inventeurs

Pourquoi intégrer une association d’inventeurs ?

De manière générale, il n’existe pas de règles bien définies et acceptées pour désigner une association d’inventeurs. En effet, le terme inventeur ou bien innovateur ne parait même pas dans les diverses dénominations. Cependant, de nos jours, des associations d’inventeurs…

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Creating your company online: focus on the advantages of a simplified approach

There are several options for starting a business. One can delegate all the formalities to a chartered accountant or a lawyer, or one can carry out the procedures oneself with the competent bodies. Thanks to the development of online services,…

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Is it possible to open a pro bank account online?

In the entire world, the creation of a company is imperatively accompanied by the opening of a dedicated pro bank account that you can do on While this approach was once intended to be restrictive, thanks to the rise…

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Where to domicile a company’s registered office?

The domiciliation of the registered office is an obligatory step for any company creation, whatever the legal form. It is not to be taken lightly as it can have consequences on the company’s image. But where to domicile one’s company?…

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What is the relationship between legal status and taxation?

Before starting your project, you are exposed to many decisions depending on your objectives. The best thing is to always opt for a legal form that will adapt to the perspective of your company’s evolution. Be aware that your choice…

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How to weld a sales team together ?

To better manage a team, find the ideal mix to weld it and guarantee better productivity. To find a source of motivation, promote Team Building. Be convinced to create a favourable working area for your team and strengthen the feeling…

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Micro-enterprise: which legal status for my activity?

Which legal status should I choose for my activity? This is undoubtedly the most essential question that arises when you want to enter the entrepreneurial world. And it is not uncommon to be a little lost when making a choice,…

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Financing your business: the crowdfunding option

A good means of financing, crowdfunding is particularly appreciated by entrepreneurs for its accessibility and simplicity. As a result, it is experiencing a real boom. In the 2000s, more than 2 million people succeeded in setting up their business thanks…

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