Business management

étiquette électronique

Quels sont les avantages des prix d’étiquette électronique pour les commerces de détail ?

Les prix d’étiquette électronique sont devenus une technologie de plus en plus courante dans les commerces de détail. Cette innovation permet aux commerçants d’afficher les prix de manière électronique, plutôt que d’utiliser des étiquettes papier traditionnelles. Cette transition vers les…

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Comment évaluer la performance d’une entreprise ?

Pour répondre à la question « comment évaluer une entreprise ? », il est essentiel que le gestionnaire utilise des données et des mesures qui expriment l’ensemble du processus. Deux des plus importants d’entre eux sont les indicateurs d’effort et les indicateurs…

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How to protect a trademark, a label or a product of its creation?

All entrepreneurs, authors, creators are concerned by intellectual or industrial property, whether for ongoing projects; during the creation of a company, a product or a brand and during the different stages of its evolution. Intellectual property protection is vital because…

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Manage your staff: call on a management coach!

In a company, managing and supervising staff is quite complicated, because you need to know the characteristics of each individual and motivate the staff to achieve the company’s objectives. To manage conflicts and solve the many problems, it is preferable…

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Finding a good chartered accountant: our advice

It has already been noted that the services of a chartered accountant play a major role in the establishment of an organizational and accounting structure within a company. Indeed, his advice enables the company’s management not only to optimize the…

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How to take care of your company’s e-reputation?

Looking after your e-reputation is a vital necessity for any company in a context where the web has now become an extremely competitive environment. Therefore, to achieve this effectively, a few fundamental points must be taken into consideration. Here is…

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What is the status of the interim manager?

Using the services of an interim manager is for some companies an unavoidable option to help them deal with specific projects whose stakes are crucial for their future life. When called upon to deal with a significant change, the professional…

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How to choose a consulting agency?

Today, faced with increasingly tough competition and more demanding consumers, companies are constantly seeking innovation in their marketing strategy. Therefore, the use of a marketing consultancy agency is indispensable. Here are a few tips to help those interested in finding…

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